martes, 30 de junio de 2015

picture describe " Holi Festival"

    The picture that I'm going to describe is about the Holi Festival of Colours. In India, it is an ancient Hindu religious festival, also it's recognize as the festival of love, where all the people of India celebrates equally. This festival is about to throw paint between the participants of this festival.

 In the foreground we can see four women practicing throwing themselves paint, also the colours than we can see are primary colours. Primary colours( red, yellow and blue) respresent happiness just as this festival do. In the background we can see the logo of this festival    
   This picture takes place in the topic of cultural diversity, this festival is a very good example for cultural identity (subtopic), because this represent a tradicional activity of India.

      Some years ago I went to "The Colour Run", It isn't the same , but is similar to Holi Festival. It is about a race where you get coloured while you are running.

sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

picture description "Cape Town"

The image that I am going to describe takes place in Africa, in a cape flat to be specific. A cape flat is where black people live.

    The captions refers to the discrimination from black people to coloured people in the present. Also it tell us that in the past it was different. In my opinion in the past it was worse but the discrimination by white people to black people.
     In the middle of the picture we can see the cape flat where coloured people lives. This cape flat is painted with primary colours ( red and yellow). In the bottom left corner we can see a children, he represents all the people children, teens, adults who suffered the apartheid. In the bottom right corner we can see more people.

 This people are from Africa, as the picture represents the African culture. The special of this place is that all the people that live there are looking for the same dream : stop the discrimination.

interview link


             Dear countrymen, I am talking to you with the reason to tell you the several ways to defeat poverty, but I am going to talk about the principal way, technology.

      A lot of people in the world disacknowledge the important of this tool and how usefull it is in your daily life.

      First of all, in my opinion you disacknowledge this topic. Because you see mobile phones as an electronic gaming device, or just a device in which you can see your social networks those functions Isn't all the mobile's functions can do.

     The mobile phone can be usefull for all the people to get a job, or if you already have job, you can progress in it, but if you are asking yourself how it can help you at the work, here are the reasons:

   If you want to get a job, you can set a job interview, in fact you can look for jobs in internet or trade products.

   My next example is that the mobile phone increases small-business because you can globalize your ideas, so you can trade your products in all the world.
     If you don't believe me, just see Africa. Africa is growing up because they are buying mobile phones.

   Finally I hope you understand why you have to buy a mobile phone and start being technological people.